Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Stormy Sunday

Today has been very relaxing. The storms rolled in around 5am, and just quieted down here about an hour ago. The temps cooled off and the humidity went away! We've been watching movies all day. We're watching Now & Then right now. I love this movie.

Tomorrow is back to work in lovely Manhattan with all the suits and obnoxious people pushing and shoving their way around town. I don't have anything exciting planned for this week yet. Altho I may try to catch a filming here and there if they're near where I am working.

I am also trying to find a 2nd job. I'd like to do something for a couple hours at night, something from home, since working 10 hour days already kill my back, but I'd like a little extra cash. Anyone have any ideas?

I hope y'all had a nice Sunday, I'm off to start dinner! Have a great night!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

My 1st Post =)

I normally just use my Live Journal for my blogging needs, but I thought I'd create this one to share my life during this adventure living in New York City. Here you will find me posting about things I've seen, done or people I've met. I love New York City. Sometimes the people get on my nerves because its sooo crowded, but it wouldn't be NYC without that. I feel very lucky to be able to live and work here. I've met some wonderful people, and some really cool celebrities. Living in Michigan was never this fun. I hope I can remember to keep up with this blog hahaha.

I leave you all today with a photo from when I went to Legally Blonde, the Musical with Laura Bell Bundy last Friday (July 18th). Her last performance was July 20th, and I wanted to see this before she was gone.